Tuesday, July 21, 2009

what a day....

I love the D.I.! I never thought I would say that... but look what it has brought to me in the past 48 hours...ah....gems!

old samsonite luggage, thinking about adding a little paint to one side.. more pictures to come....

how cool is this?! Can't hold much, but I couldn't pass it up.

pyrex--matches another piece I found shown below...

will move with me to logan and hang in my apartment!

tiny little pyrex dish with lid! so cute.

awesome blue wallet.
I am nearly speechless with my good finds!


Kellie said...

i am speechless! soo awesome!

Jill said...

dear goodness! you really have been finding some amazing things. is that floral pouch beneath the luggage a wallet?

everything looks perfect.

Marchele said...

Tracie, you make me laugh... love that you have been finding so many great things.