Monday, March 8, 2010

in exactly two months...

In exactly two months from today I will be getting on a plane and landing here...

*tegel airport, germany*
and then I will be spending the next month touring these lovely cities and coutries...



*poland- krakow, birkenau and auschwitz*
*prague- salzburg and austria*


Jana said...

WHAAT! Oh my gosh Bace! We need to chat!

Kellie said...

that's sooo awesome. i'm WAY excited for you. I've been to salzburg and austria. you will die. it is so awesome there.

Jill said...

brad and i are so happy you get to go there. he's been to berlin and loves it. i loved the southern part of germany, and salzburg has the PRETTIEST churches i have ever seen. i'll add them to my photo bunch. love you!

Marchele said...

Tracie I am so excited! I can hardly wait. It is gonna be so much fun to travel together!