Thursday, August 27, 2009

nikon vs. canon

someone please educate me....
sorry such a lame post, but i must know!


Jill said...

lets chat about this. i'll call you.

Marchele said...

I have had both... personally I liked my cannon a lot better... my nikon seems to be very touchy and doesn't have half as good of pictures

Kellie said...

depends on who you talk to :) i'm voting nikon--because that's what i use! look at people's pictures that you like, and try to tell from their blog or info what camera they use. also--research what accessories are cheaper with what product (costco carries lots of nikon stuff)

Jill said...

whoops. forgot to chat with you about this earlier.

i think they are very comparable. you can't go wrong with either... they say canon has better color rendering and nikon has better fine detail... ? but i really think they are so close.

my recommendation is to try holding one of each in your hands. see what you like the feel of better. personally i think the canon is a bit more user friendly with how the dials/buttons are set up. we love ours. but you wouldn't be upset either. both are excellent choices. and you'll love having an slr if you get one. they're great.