Yesterday Mom and I went thrifting and it was pure magic all the things we found.
This I found for seventy-five cents! Thanks Mom! It is has roses all around it if you can't quite make out the details. It has been washed and is now the new home for my aspiring button collection. If you find any good buttons that you don't want, send them my way!
This is also such a treasure. It is a silhouette ring and I only had to pay $8.00! The girl at the store was sad to see it go, but I am very happy. Perfect condition.
These are amazing. They are in perfect condition and were only $1.50. Again, thanks Mom! I cannot wait to take them to school.
And finally I found these little silhouette frames that are SO darling. And they only set me back $10.00! What a find. It was a great day for thrifting!