Here are the three pictures that I sent out with my graduation announcements. I can't believe that I am graduating NEXT Thursday! AH! Thanks again to KELLIE for taking my pictures, I LOVE how they turned out. Thanks for taking time to help me!
Hadley, Me and Megan Here are my prom pictures! It was a log of fun this year, the dance was out at the Davis Conference Center in Layton. As you know I went with Jameson, and here are some of the pictures!
This was also awhile ago, but Jameson's dad was able to get us 16th row seats to the Jazz game when they were in the playoffs. I think it was game 4 and the Jazz won! So that was a lot of fun!
The gorgeous new fireplace! Me and Kell Kell and Grandma
I know that I am super late posting pictures, but I haven't really had time the past couple weeks, but I need to post the pictures of Kell's graduation! Congratuatlions again!
I was born and raised in Centerville, Utah and I am now attending Utah State! The plan right now is Family and Consumer Sciences with a minor in Sociology and so far I am loving it! I am obsessed with all things vintage.